Plaid vs Periwinkle
Eartha Kitt returns from the grave for a new round of New Challenger. Rob gets involved with the effort to help Ellicott City while Dann challenges the current King of Wakanda to become the legendary Italian Panther.
The Crown City Cook finally breaks the silence on McDonald's "new" quarter pounder with cheeseburger. This week's Geek Stuff is extra special with two separate stories about Pokemon! Which will you choose, Pickachu or Eevee and does anyone really play Pokemon Go anymore?
What does a pineapple, a durian, and a jazz fruit have in common and why does Andy Rooney keep giving us useless advice? All we know for certain is: you can't get cum on a cake in Georgia no matter how hard you try. Meanwhile, Greg makes a funny. Whether you stream now or download and listen later, you don't want to miss the episode cooked entirely on a George Foreman Lean Mean Grilling Machine.
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